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At the very least it deserves a few days before heading off the to the LGBT-friendly Punta Cana resort area. Glamourous all-night parties, beautiful colonial streets, luxurious resorts and a booming gastronomical scene, Santo Domingo should be top of the list for any gay travelers in the Dominican Republic. One visit is never enough as you will quickly discover the many layers of life here – each offering something unique and fun. No matter what your visiting for, Gay Santo Domingo is a city that sucks you in and takes it’s time to reveal all its charm. A subversive dance event that challenges gender-binaries, infuses the local LGBT community and creates a space to share stories and celebrate a uniquely Dominican queer identity. We were surprised by a lot of things we found in Gay Santo Domingo – largely the level of LGBT acceptance – but this was the most surprising.

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To really get a taste of the gay scene in Santo Domingo you just have to attend one of the twice-annual Draguéalo Parties.

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